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Enjoy the Awakening of Spring in Jiangnan

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  • Mar. 2016
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Jiangnan Cuisine

Jiangnan Cuisine is made up of Hangbang, Zhejiang, Jiangsu and Shanghai dishes. Jiangnan Cuisine features refreshing dishes which are influenced by Jiangnan lifestyle and culture.

Jiangnan Culture

Jiangnan is a region that has been beautified by the literature of many generations of poets. The region which was famous for its wealthy and prosperous land as well as extremely intelligent and artistic people, have been admired for thousands of years. The crisp green hills and serene lakes the lakes with sparkling water are always considered the typical Jiangnan scenery along with the magical gardens. The traditional folk houses with black tiles and white walls located along the river side and a Chinese bridge is like the dreamy scenery of painted artwork.