Visit the Rainbow Mountains in Zhangye Danxia Landform Geological Park
The latest Qing palace drama to take the internet by storm is The Story of Yanxi Palace and with its popularity many tourists have been making their way to the Forbidden City to catch a glimpse of the wonderful architecture and historical items that can be found. Also experience the wonderful garden scenery at the Summer Palace which was once China's largest Imperial Garden.
Join our one day tour of Beijing Imperial Culture and learn more about the history of the Qing Empire and Manchurian culture. Take the time to venture into the Hutongs where the Nobles and rich merchants lived in luxurious courtyards situated in the east and west.
Special Attractions
Forbidden City
Forbidden City
The Forbidden City was built under the reign of the third Ming Emperor Yongle. Today it is considered one of the most spectacular masterpieces of the world...
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Summer Palace
Summer Palace
With the construction started in 1750, Summer Palace was built as a luxury royal garden. In the end of Qing Dynasty, it had ranked among the main residence of...
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Beijing Hutongs
Beijing Hutongs
Beijing Hutongs are a fundamental part of Beijing culture and history. The existence of the Beijing Hutongs can be traced back to the Yuan Dynasty (1271-1368) where...
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Summer Palace
Tiananmen Square
Tiananmen Square is situated at the center of Beijing and is one of the most symbolic attractions of the city. Tiananmen Square is named after Tiananmen Gate which...
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Imperial Cuisine
imperial cuisine
Special Attractions
Beijing Imperial Culture In-Depth One Day Tour
Beijing Imperial Culture
In-Depth One Day Tour
+ From US44 P/P
Beijing Ancient Hutong Half Day Tour
Beijing Ancient Hutong Half Day Tour
+ From US49 P/P
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